Monday, July 27, 2009

Arkham Horror Gaming Sessions June - July 2009, Dinner Outing, FYP Presentation, Chocolate & Cookie and Pitstop Boardgaming Session

Arkham Horror Gaming Sessions June - July 2009

Jerald's House

Date: Sunday, 7th June 2009
Time: 3.50pm - 9.35pm
Games used: Arkham Horror and King in Yellow
Investigators: Dexter Drake (Patrick), Amanda Sharpe (Jerald), Darrell Simmons (Yu Xuan) and Gloria Goldberg (Benjamin)
Ancient One:
The King in Yellow
No. of mythos cards revealed: 20
No. of gates opened: 13?
No. of gates bursted: N/A
No. of elder signs: 3
No. of monster surge: 5?
Initial doom track: 9 + 5
Yellow Sign tokens
Final doom track: 0
Terror track: 5 + 2 Yellow Sign tokens
Reason for Ancient One's wakening: Ancient One's doom track filled
No. of turns in combat with Ancient One: ?
Ancient One defeated
Last hit: Yu Xuan
Casualty: None
Weapon of choice: Storm of Spirits (Dexter Drake), Enchanted Blade and Gladius of Carcosa (Amanda Sharpe), Cursed Sphere and Enchanted Blade (Darrell Simmons) and Call the Azure Flame - Azure Flame (Gloria Goldberg)

This game was played in Touring Performance Style whereby all new cards from The King in Yellow were placed above those existing base game ones. Due to this, the new Acts mythos came fast and furious. Within 3 hours, all 3 were out. Since that defeat the purpose of exploring The King in Yellow, we chose to ignore those Act cards and keep playing.

There were 7
Yellow Sign tokens added to the board due to 5(?) monster surges that resulted in terror track to increase. For the 2 Yellow Sign tokens added to the doom track, 2 Blights were drawn: Abigail Foreman and Father Michael.

With the knowledge of the spell
Storm of Spirits, Dexter Drake was able to slay monsters in Arkham with relative ease. Although he fell in the face of Hastur, he dealt his fair share of arcane rampage to unmake it. He closed 2 gates.

During a Mythos Headline whereby investigators were given the opportunity to exchange their sanity for Clue tokens on 1-to-1 basis.
Amanda Sharpe, who was at her maximum of 5 sanity, spent 4 sanity in order to gain 4 Clue tokens. She proceeded to travel to Black Cave where she was made to lose a turn. Her next encounter there made her lost 1 sanity, driving her insane. She had a spectacular 25-dice roll during the game.

Darrell Simmons managed to retain his Retainer throughout the game, making him loaded with cash. He wanted to go on a shopping spree but monsters constantly blocking his way. Eventually, he arrived to the shop, unloaded his cash on sexy weapons which his distributed to investigators when Hastur awaken. Before that, he was feeling lucky and went to South Church to get a Blessing. Apparently, God hated him getting blessed. The Blight Father Michael was drawn, needless to say Darrell Simmons was not feeling that blessed afterall.

Call the Azure Flame - Azure Flame and Healing Stone combo allowed Gloria Goldberg to give monsters a good beating. She got hold of a Time Bomb which set off and killed 2 monsters. She closed 4 gates and sealed 2 in the process.




Jerald's House

Date: Saturday, 13th June 2009
Time: 2.15pm - 3.20pm
Games used: Arkham Horror and Black Goat of the Woods
Investigators: Jenny Barnes (Patrick), Darrell Simmons (Benjamin), Kate Winthrop (Jerald), Carolyn Fern (Yu Xuan) and Mandy Thompson (Betrand)
Ancient One:
Black Goat of the Woods
No. of mythos cards revealed: 7
No. of gates opened: 6
No. of gates bursted: 0
No. of elder signs: 0
No. of monster surge: 1
Initial doom track: 6
Final doom track: 6
Terror track: 1
Reason for Ancient One's wakening: Too many gates opened
No. of turns in combat with Ancient One: 1
All investigators were devoured

Last hit: None
Casualty: All investigators

Benjamin had nothing to say after Arkham came under Shub-Niggurath's dominance.

Another person commented that Dark Young 'sucks'.

He scribbled down an ancient chant.

Arkham horror pwned enxzen head for 250 gold!
Arkham horror pwned Haisk head for 250 gold!
Arkham horror is unstoppable!
Arkham horror got a Double Kill!
Arkham horror pwned I.Square head for 250 gold!
Arkham horror got a triple kill!
Arkham horror is dominating!
Arkham horror pwned tansrb head for 250 gold!
Arkham horror got a Ultra Killed!

Mandy Thompson was the only investigator who had to visit St. Mary's Hospital throughout the game.

The monsters released from gates are tough beyond imagination. 1 Shoggoth, 1 Warlock, 1 Fire Vampire, 3 Dark Young(!!!), and to mock the investigators, among the party of insidious monsters are 2 cuties: 1 Mi-Go and 1 Cultist.

Kate Winthrop was the only who unfortunately survived to have the chance to witness the uprising of the hideous Shub-Niggurath. She was the only investigator who had a monster trophy when the Black Goat awoke. Failing her saving throw against Shub-Niggurath's attack, she inevitably met her demise. The Black Goat reined triumph over Arkham!



Jerald's House

Date: Saturday, 13th June 2009
Time: 4.00pm - 8.00pm
Games used: Arkham Horror and Black Goat of the Woods
Investigators: Carolyn Fern (Patrick), Vincent Lee (Betrand), Darrell Simmons (Yu Xuan), Monterey Jack (Jerald) and Harvey Walters (Benjamin)
Ancient One:
Black Goat of the Woods
No. of mythos cards revealed: 12
No. of gates opened: 6?
No. of gates bursted: 0?
No. of elder signs: 3
No. of monster surge: 6?
Initial doom track: 6
Final doom track: 7
Terror track: 6
Reason for Ancient One's wakening: Too many gates opened
No. of turns in combat with Ancient One: 1?
All investigators were devoured

Last hit: None
Casualty: All investigators

Another crushing defeat in the face of the Black Goat!

Shub-Niggurath and Black Goat of the Woods was just plain ridiculous. Within 3 to 4 turns, the board was swarmed with monsters. Their buff in life made Cultist a potential killer!

It was natural for the investigators to lose due to unnatural super outsiders trying to claim Arkham as their new home. However, 2 of them did an amazing feat that shall put shiver down the spine of monsters inhabitating Arkham, and for those spineless ones ...... break out a sweat or whatsoever.

The old lecher,
Harvey Walters, had been lusting for the young, beautiful Carolyn Fern. She had always felt uneasy whenever he stared at her. She had tried various means to shake him off, even to the extent of reporting him stalking her home to the Deupty of Arkham.

One day, as usual,
Harvey Walters tried to impress Carolyn Fern again. This time by mean of hero rescuing damsel in distress. He executed his plan perfectly: he 'dated' her at the St. Mary's Hospital, saying that he had a little surprise for her.

They met and he passed her an old, worn out flute to her as a gift. He could tell from her face that she was totally disguisted by it. Now for step 2: he drank the Milk of Shub-Niggurath before entering into the hospital. By then, monsters lurking in Arkham should have been lured by the scent of the very milk from the Black Goat itself.

Hearing a commotion outside the window,
Carolyn Fern peered toward the garden outside. What a sight to behold: 1 Ghost, 1 Warlock, 2 Goat Spawn, 1 Dhole, 1 Byakhee, 1 Nightgaunt and 1 Flying Polyp. Carolyn Fern shrieked.

Everything went according as planned, thought
Harvey Walters. However, he was not aware of the full effects of Milk of Shub-Niggurath. Slowly, his mind gone blank ...... to the point whereby he had gone insane and Carolyn Fern had people to send him to the Arkham Asylum where she worked for she was the psychologist of Arkham.

One bother down, she thought, now move on to the other one. Gazing at the monsters surrounding the hospital, woman's 6th sense struck her. Instinctive, she blew the flute. It emitted a strange tune, curiously low but high pitch at the same time. Listening to the tune, she hallucinated some ancient beings reaching out authoritatively toward her. Her body was suddenly sapped of energy to attempt any escape.

Carolyn Fern heard a voice in her mind. The ancient beings, who named themselves to be Outer Gods, struck a bargain with her: listen to the entire tune of the flute. If survived, they will clear the monsters away, for the monsters fear beings that were more omnipotent then the already omnipotent Ancient Ones, and in this case Shub-Niggurath.

Carolyn Fern had no choice but to accept it, for this was the only solution to save Arkham. She endured the tune, drained both mentally and physically. 'Very well', she heard it boomed in her mind, followed by shrieks outside the window. She saw the monsters twisting and cowering, as if something more monstrous was approaching. Suddenly, they ceased to exist. 'It is done'.













Jerald's House

Date: Saturday, 27th June 2009
Time: 12.20pm - 5.05pm
Games used: Arkham Horror and Dunwich Horror
Investigators: Rita Young (Patrick), Diana Stanley (Jerald), Mark Harrigan (Benjamin) and Jacqueline Fine (Yongzheng)
Ancient One:
Shudde M'ell
No. of mythos cards revealed: 29
No. of gates opened: 12?
No. of gates bursted: 8?
No. of elder signs: 2
No. of monster surge: ?
Initial doom track: 12
Final doom track: 3
Terror track: 5
Reason for Ancient One's wakening: Ancient One's doom track filled
No. of turns in combat with Ancient One: 2
All investigators were devoured

Last hit: None
Casualty: All investigators
Weapon of choice: Carbine Rifle and Enchanted Knife (Rita Young), Red Sign of Shudde M'ell and Shrivelling (Diana Stanley), Blessing, Grapple and Flamethrower (Mark Harrigan) and Alien Device and Deputy's Revolver (Jacqueline Fine)

Jerald commented that Diana Stanley is 'very chio'.

Yongzheng felt 'fucked' because we failed to 'hoot' the Ancient One,
Shudde M'ell out after 5 hours of game play.

Even though the investigators did not really miss those locations closed by
Shudde M'ell's earthquake, as each location destroyed into rubble, everyone was worried by the approaching emergence of Shudde M'ell out of nowhere.

Much effort had been put in by the investigators: throughout the long drawn 5-hour battle, they fought through gates of the Other Worlds numerous times, sealing probably 10 gates. However, the flux occurring in Arkham keep bursting through the ancient symbols of elder signs, rendering their effort fruitless. Only 2 elder signs were left in the end.

In the end, the inevitable happened. With 1 rubble counter left,
Shudde M'ell tunnelled out from myth into existance. That also meant that the investigators had only 2 turns to slay the giant wurm before it would unmake Arkham.

The investigators did fought hard but not enough. In 2 turns, they pummelled
Shudde M'ell down to 3 doom counters ...... but it survived to shatter the world into rubble.





Nanyang Polytechnic

Date: Saturday, 4th July 2009
Time: 12.30pm-3.30pm
Games used: Arkham Horror and Dunwich Horror
Investigators: Marie Lambeau (Patrick), Rita Young (Betrand), Diana Stanley (Yu Xuan), Jacqueline Fine (Jason) and Leo Anderson (Jerald)
Ancient One: Glaaki
No. of mythos cards revealed: 4
No. of gates opened: 5 + 1 from encounter
No. of gates bursted: 0
No. of elder signs: 0
No. of monster surge: 0
Initial doom track: 6
Final doom track: 0
Initial terror track: 0
Final terror track: 4
Reason for Ancient One's wakening: Too many gates opened
No. of turns in combat with Ancient One: 5
Ancient One defeated

Last hit: Rita Young
Casualty: None
Weapon of choice: Voice of Ra, 2 Wither and 1 Shrivelling (Marie Lambeau), Enchant Weapon and Shotgun (Rita Young), Molotov Cocktail (Diana Stanley), Blessing, Enchanted Knife and Axe (Jacqueline Fine), Fetch Stick (Leo Anderson)

Whole game lasted for only 4 turns. 1 gate from game setup, 4 from mythos cards
and 1 from encounter (A gate and a monster appear!). None of Servant of Glaaki ever entered into play. Since when Glaaki woke up terror track was 0, we had 10 turns to kill it at our leisure.

Marie Lambeau was fortunate to drew double Wither and a Shrivelling, making her the most powerful magic damager. However, with highest number of dice roll among all investigators fighting against Glaaki, Marie Lambeau had little luck with her 10 dices. In order to cast spells continously, she had gone mad 3 times. She became Delirium, Mania and Necrophobia.

We managed to murder
Glaaki after its 4th attack, raising the terror track to 4. Rita Young had the last hit with her shotgun and clue tokens.





Location: Nanyang Polytechnic
Date: Saturday, 4th July 2009
Time: 4.45pm - 5.30pm
Games used: Arkham Horror and Dunwich Horror
Investigators: Bob Jenkins (Patrick), Monterey Jack (Jason) and Michael McGlen (Jerald)
Ancient One: Abhoth
No. of mythos cards revealed: 9
No. of gates opened: 7 + 1 from
Fire of Asshurbanipal
No. of gates bursted: 0
No. of elder signs: 0
No. of monster surge: 1
Initial doom track: 8
Final doom track: 0
Initial terror track: 0
Final terror track: 1
Reason for Ancient One's wakening: Too many gates opened
No. of turns in combat with Ancient One: 5
Ancient One defeated

Last hit: Monterey Jack
Casualty: None
Weapon of choice: Flamethrower (
Bob Jenkins), .38 Revolver & .45 Automatic (Monterey Jack), Tommy Gun (Michael McGlen)

Originally Jason was using Carolyn Fern. However, Betrand departed to watch NDP (Which is more important: witnessing Singapore's pre-birthday celebration or saving Arkham from devastation?) and since his character was in much better shape than
Broken Handed Carolyn Fern, Jason retired her and sex-changed into Monterey Jack.

After the only monster surge occurred, a Child of Abhoth sprawned out from the Lost Carcosa gate at Independence Square which then moved down one space into the Downtown street. After that, we realised that both
Bob Jenkins and Monterey Jack were stuck at Arkham Asylum for the rest of the turns till Abhoth awaken due to having 8 gates opened.

With mainly 6 monster trophies
(Bob Jenkins), bunch of clue tokens (Michael McGlen) and bunch of expandable items (Monterey Jack), we managed to make Abhoth into cream sauce after it had stripped us of everything other than our weapons.





Location: Nanyang Polytechnic
Date: Saturday, 11th July 2009
Time: 1.50pm - 3.45pm
Games used: Arkham Horror, Dunwich Horror, Curse of the Dark pharaoh, King in Yellow and Black Goat of the Woods
Mark Harrigan (Jerald), Leo Anderson (Benjamin), Diana Stanley (Betrand) and Rita Young (Patrick)
Ancient One:
Herald: The Dark Pharaoh
No. of mythos cards revealed: 8
No. of gates opened: 6 + 1 from encounter
No. of gates bursted: 0
No. of elder signs: 2
No. of monster surge: 2
Initial doom track: 9
Final doom track: 0
Terror track: 1
Reason for Ancient One's wakening: Too many gates opened
No. of turns in combat with Ancient One: 7
Ancient One defeated

Last hit: Mark Harrigan
Casualty: Rita Young
Weapon of choice: Flamethrower (Mark Harrigan), Cursed Sphere and .357 Magnum (Leo Anderson), Rifle (Diana Stanley) and Rifle before devoured (Rita Young)

Memorable: This game was a special request from Jerald. He has been researching on the lore of Arkham and once he was told that the Curse of the Dark Pharaoh will be added to the game mix, he demanded to issue a challenge against Nyarlathotep, who was a pharaoh himself, according to Jerald's research. Naturally, the herald The Dark Pharaoh had been choosen to prepare the way for Nyarlathotep.

Throughout the game, Betrand was like Patrick + Jerald: His dice roll sucked and frequently delayed.

Jerald, who is so used to being delayed, did not have a chance to be delayed in this game to put
Mark Harrigan's One Man Army ability in to use.

One of the mythos cards drawn added 2 doom counters to the doom track instead of opening a gate.

Throughout the game, only 1 or 2 unique items were drawn and no Mask monsters were drawn.

Despite being the Expedition Leader, Leo Anderson had failed to score any monster kill.

Rita Young was pondering if she should seal the gate R'lyeh that she had spent 3 turns to close, considering the facts that if a new gate were to be opened during mythos phase, the last doom counter would be added and Nyarlathotep would be awaken. Since 5 clue tokens that would be required to seal gate would have been 5 extra turns of survival against Nyarlathotep ...... In the end, she chose to seal the gate, since much effort had been put into that gate. She only hoped that monster surge would occur instead of a new gate open during mythos phase.

Rita Young sealed her gate, Mrk Harrigan had his encounter at Independence Square ...... A gate and a monster appear! Rita Young's heart sank upon the news, staring at her 2 clue tokens ...... will the 4 investigators able to finish off Nyarlathotep before its third successful attack which will devour her?

It turned out that the rest of the team want her to die,
Rita Young handed her Rifle to Diana Stanley who must had been using crappy weapons.

Upon witnessing
Rita Young being devoured by Nyarlathotep, the 3 survivals finished off it off the next turn. FML.






Location: Nanyang Polytechnic
Date: Saturday, 11th July 2009
Time: 4.07pm - 4.45pm
Games used: Arkham Horror, Dunwich Horror, Curse of the Dark pharaoh, King in Yellow and Black Goat of the Woods
Wilson Richards (Jerald), Sister Mary (Benjamin), Jenny Barnes (Betrand) and Michael McGlen (Patrick)
Ancient One:
Herald: None
No. of mythos cards revealed: 4
No. of gates opened: 5 + 2 from encounter
No. of gates bursted: 0
No. of elder signs: 0
No. of monster surge: 0
Initial doom track: 7
Final doom track: 12
Terror track: 0
Reason for Ancient One's wakening: Too many gates opened
No. of turns in combat with Ancient One: 1
All investigators were devoured

Last hit: None
Casualty: All investigators
Weapon of choice: Shotgun (Wilson Richards), Blessing, Grapple, Fetch Stick and Holy Water (Sister Mary), .357 Magnum (Jenny Barnes) and Dynamite and Tommy Gun (Michael McGlen)

Memorable: It was predicted that Arkham will be devoured whole by Tsathoggua even before the game began. To fulfill its attack requirement was just impossible.

Midway into the bid to save Arkham from its destined fate, all investigators were in the Other Worlds at the same time, either exploring on their own initiative or being drawn into them by enounters or mythos gate opening. Coupled with delays, the mutated Lickitung was sure to awake in no time.

This game featured the first appearance of
Sister Mary who is known to suck. However, in this game, she became the most qualified killing machine, with an arsenal of Blessing, Grapple, Fetch Stick and Holy Water. However, while the rest of the investigators were proud to procvlaim that they had a monster trophy under their belt, even though they were vanillas: Zombie by Wilson Richards, Cultist by Jenny Barnes and Child of the Goat by Michael McGlen, Sister Mary had not do her God justice by lending her power in the cause of redeeming Arkham. Even with her pwnage sexy dice roll, all 4 investigators only managed to tickle Tsathoggua 1 out of 13 doom tokens.

This was the shortest game we ever had, 4 mythos cards and 1 round of pathetic attempt to kill off the Ancient One who swallows. GG.





Location: Nanyang Polytechnic
Date: Saturday, 25th July 2009
Time: 1.20pm - 5.30pm
Games used: Arkham Horror and Kingsport Horror
Tony Morgan (Yongda), Rex Murphy (Betrand), Daisy Walker [1st], Luke Robinson [2nd] (Patrick) and Lily Chen (Yu Xuan)
Ancient One:
Herald: Ghroth
Guardian: Hypnos
No. of mythos cards revealed: 21
No. of gates opened: 7 + 3 from encounter
No. of gates bursted: 0
No. of elder signs: 2
No. of monster surge: 15
Initial doom track: 12
Final doom track: 17
Terror track: 7
Reason for Ancient One's wakening: Ancient One's doom track was filled
No. of turns in combat with Ancient One: 11
All investigators were devoured

Last hit: None
Casualty: All investigators
Weapon of choice: Brazier of Souls and Blessing (Tony Morgan), Dread Curse of Azathoth and Lamp of Alhazred (Rex Murphy), Shrivelling, Expert Occultist and Elephant Gun [1st] (Daisy Walker), Voice of Ra and Wither (Luke Robinson) and Yithian Rifle (Lily Chen)

Memorable: Yu Xuan was the 1st player to be lured by PSP, followed by Betrand.

Thanks to the Herald
Ghroth, Eihort had a head start of 2 Doom tokens.

Thanks to the Guardian
Hypnos, nearly every turn Visions of Hypnos granted an extra Clue token on board.

started off rather unfortunate for Daisy Walker. On turn 2, she was on the street and 2 Shan and a Byakhee decided to party with her. Fortunately, she had maxed out her Will. Unfortunately, despite using 2 Clue tokens, she failed to pass her horror check against Shan. It proceeded to devour her slowly and excruciatingly. There gone the Librarian. Soon after, the Dreamer Luke Robinson sensed great peril in Arkham and had decided to join in the fray.

Rex Murphy, being Cursed right from the start, had great difficulty in closing gate. Loaded with Clue tokens, he spent them, 1 by 1, in attempt to roll a '6' for success to close the gate. Fortunately, upon the 10th and the last Clue tokens he managed to succeed in closing the gate.

Rex Murphy had great difficulty in reaching South Church to shake off his Curse. At last, he got Lost in Time and Space, whereby he teleported into South Church straight away at turn 12, losing his Curse. Unfortunately, soon after he became Cursed again from encounter which he painstakingly went to South Church again to de-curse.

1st rift came out materialised at The Witch House on turn 13 and 2nd rift at Unvisited Isle on turn 18.

1st Elder Sign was placed at Historical Society by
Luke Robinson on turn 13. 2nd Elder Sign was placed at Independence Square by Tony Morgan on turn 15.

Throughout the game,
Tony Morgan did not use his ability at all. Rex Murphy constantly enmassing Clue tokens. Luke Robinson became the least edquipped after being Lost in Time and Space due to monster appearing in Other Worlds, the horrible visage drove him insane. Lily Chen had not enter into any gates.

Eihort awoke, an Epic Battle with the Ancient One ensued. Tony Morgan was first to get devoured, followed by Lily Chen and Luke Robinson. The last to die, Rex Murphy, was not even close to finish it off. For as Eihort devoured investigators, it swallowed the Brood tokens they had and converted them into extra health. At the end of battle, its effective health was 17, even though the investigators gave in all they had got and dealt 11 damage to it.

















Dinner Outing at Saideriya on 9th July 2009

Betrand, Xiu Qi, Jerald, Jie Ying, Patrick

















FYP Presentation on 6th July 2009

Xinyi, Li Juan, Fiona, Shan Shan, Eunice, Wei Mun, Jerald, Yi Jun








Chocolate & Cookie













Pitstop Boardgaming Session on 18th July 2009









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