Done by: Desmond Tse
People who have both low masculine and low feminine qualities do not feel pressured to conform to society's expectations and maintain their sense of self through other areas in their lives. Find out why.
Experts say that people who share a strong physical bond with their partner, can forge a stronger emotional bond together.
Professions in the fine arts typically involve evoking some kind of emotional response. Whether someone is into music, drama, or painting, they typically possess an heightened appreciation for experiencing the world on a sensory level. People in the fine arts usually enjoy looking at the world from a unique perspective and ultimately they want to share that vision with others. That is, people involved in the fine arts are often creating solely for the purpose of connecting with other human beings in an individual way. Unfortunately, most people mistakenly assume that being involved in the fine arts equates to becoming a starving artist but this isn't always the case. Artists experience a wide range of success, as do professionals in other areas.
StageArts' Drama Night
Helped out in StageArts' Drama Night held at the school's dom on the 2nd November 2007.
IT Representative
No choice but to be "nominated" to be 1 of the 2 class IT representatives (& Fatimah) to help out in the school's IT stuff. Several projects going on: redesigning of student webpage whereby some of the intranet stuff will become available in the Internet version; learn and then teach the school's newly purchased program, HeuCampus, essentially a MSN Messager.
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Desmond's Halloween
Project 1
We had our Project 1 presentation on the 6th November 2007. I think our group had pulled it through, especially when Fatimah noted that Dr Soh flipped through her notes, frowning but could not come up with a question for us.
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