Friday, April 29, 2005

So Suay

The new way of processing the cases is troublesome yet fun. Takes much longer to finish raising the cases, together with checking from Madam Sundhari, cases tend to drag on for two to three days before really send out to the unit. Fun is that i have time to waste on doing them, so i won't be so bored.

Failed to even start to raise a case for Jason due to my own cases. Arranged his cases in chronological order though. Printed out those 252bs.

I clearly heard that Warren Micheal said something like "Those I did not call out your names...Peter, Someone, Patrick...tomorrow..." but in the end, he was shocked to see me still in the office after 5pm. I was equally shocked that his list of ten people got my name on it. Peter said I was not in, so did Prem who said it was not my fault but his. However, it still sucks when you are accused of something that was not your fault. Well, at least that means tomorrow I will have time to do things while others are choked. Hmmm...20-30 cases...hmmm. *Wink*

A Fly's Perspective

I live on deserts of white paint and travel across miles of room as I fly in quick jagged circles. I live to survive so that others of me, who also live for the sake of reproduction alone, can continue to inhabit the earth. The meaninglessness of the endless existence of beings who suffer the burden of living just so that the living can continue escapes me, as I was given the simplest of minds, which allows me only to carry out my one instinctual task. Eternity lasts a day, as my life moves at the pace of a slug, and my body moves as a cheetah, aging me in a few short months.

I sit on the wall and watch you, a giant, which my eyes cannot even fully contain. Your goings on and mine rarely overlap, and chances are you will live your whole life without ever giving mine much thought. I observe things others of your kind may always long to, yet never know, and I am oblivious to the privilege.

I carry on with my simple life, eating and breeding, landing on walls and washing myself, unknowingly spreading dangerous organisms from one place to another, flying about in zig-zag patterns, until -- squish -- it's over.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Some interesting stuff from my newsletter

Bored at work? Print out this email, and make your own daily newsletter. Fill this out first:

your name:
measure of time:
plural noun that starts with the letter T:
city that starts with the letter O:
verb that starts with the letter B:
noun that starts with the letter A:
plural noun:
body part:
famous person:
plural noun:
Then plug it into the email formula, and presto!

Dearest (Your Name),It seems as if a ________ (adjective) thing has happened. Let me set the stage. As you may know, over the last _________ (measure of time) I have been very _________ (adverb) involved with a certain group of people who call themselves TOOBA, which stands for _________ (plural noun that starts with the letter T) of _________ (City that starts with the letter O) _________ (Verb that starts with the letter B) _________ (Noun that starts with the letter A). Although my involvement has been nothing more than tangential, I have discovered that their (adjective) antics were far beyond the _________ (adjective) _________ (plural noun) of the average _________ (animal). This of course leads to several problems.

First and foremost, I am constantly faced with a _________ (adjective) rash covering most of my _________ (body part), although in some social situations, this can be a very _________ (adjective) thing, as I'm sure _________ (famous person) would be willing to attest to. Secondly, I find that I always need to have a _________(tool) with me, as they mandate that I use it to repair all of the broken _________(plural nouns) I encounter. But I suppose that this is a fairly common thing.

-The _________ (adjective) team at