9. You can always find them in the snow.
8. Holding a black cat is very slimming.
7. Black cats will match any decor.
6. A lint brush isn't required for a black-tie affair.
5. When you love a black cat, luck is on your side.
4. Black cats are like onyx, a beautiful gem.
3. Hey, they don't care what color you are!
2. Love knows no color.
And the number one reason to adopt a black cat...
1. They are the least likely to be adopted.
Vatas tend to have a narrow frame, are either very tall or very short, and are typically very thin. Characteristically Vata skin tends to be dry, cold, and rough, although it tans easily and rarely burns. Vata hair is generally dry, wiry, and very fine. The eyes are typically small, and an unusual color. The nails are usually brittle and ridged. When a Vata is in balance they tend to be introspective and perceptive, and they are also very disciplined. They have the greatest potential amongst other types for attaining a meaningful spiritual life.
While the Unitarian Universalists have mixed beliefs about the existence of God, they tend to share the belief that there is something to be learned from every world religion. By accepting differences between individual spiritual beliefs, Unitarian Universalists come together under a few broad and inclusive moral ideologies. They pass their beliefs from generation to generation through their church's literature and their teachings, both of which draw on many of the major spiritual texts from a variety of religions.
Typically open-minded and intellectual, Unitarian Universalists encourage individual exploration of many different spiritual truths. They also tend to be politically liberal.
People who are Bargain Hunters likely spend their money sparingly and they have a good sense of the value of the dollar. They strive to stretch their funds as far as possible. If they don't have to bargain shop for financial reasons, they may also be afraid of not having enough money someday, and thus splurging or overspending may feel more dangerous or foolhardy to them than it does to most. They may also simply enjoy the thrill of haggling and the challenge of the hunt for a deal, deriving pleasure from their great finds.
This is the chakra located at the top of your throat. The fifth chakra represents honesty and truth. When this chakra is clear, positive energy can flow from it freely. Radiating positive energy from your fifth chakra indicates that you've cultivated higher wisdom concerning the important life lessons associated with this energy center. You're apt to feel a more burning need than others do to speak the truth, treat people with respect, and act with integrity. Possessing strong fifth chakra energy also suggests that you're not one to fight your life's natural path. Instead, you seem to align your will with divine will.
People who stand out as only children due to their self-esteem are likely to maintain an overall sense of well-being despite daily ups and downs. Even during difficult times they have the ability to keep themselves together and remain optimistic. Chances are, they know themselves well. Understanding what they want out of life and how to meet their needs is very important to them. Others may find their self-assurance and positive outlook on the world very attractive.
People who are highly independent like to do things on their own and are naturally self-sufficient. Independent people are as a whole more determined than most and tend to have higher intelligence. However, it is also true that one can be independent without having high determination or intelligence and vice versa. Another thing most highly independent people have in common is that they can possess a greater sense of integrity than many people around them do.
Whether you know it or not, your unconscious mind is defending your internal emotional experiences. It acts like an emotional dam that helps you keep things in check. One reason for this could be that you have a deeply-rooted fear of being flooded by emotions. In response, your unconscious acts in the opposite manner, by protecting you from unpredictable, emotional tidal waves.
While this tendency might be useful in some circumstances, it may also at times make your emotions hard to articulate or grasp. And that can lead to some frustration.
Since you tend to appear level-headed to others, they feel they can count on you for sound opinions and advice. Another benefit of your unconscious drive is that it allows you to remain calm in the toughest of situations. This can be a real benefit for you during business negotiations or personal arguments because you're not apt to say damaging things that you'll have to apologize for later.
The only hazard with this drive towards self-protection, is you might filter out good emotions as well as the bad. That can leave you feeling like something is missing, something you can't quite place.
But ultimately, your unconscious is wise and will know if there is a time in the future where it would be beneficial to be different.
Symphonia 2007

Piano Ensemble 2007

StageArts Alumni Night 2007

Spaghetti Extraveganza

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