Motivational Living
Your Personality Style Description:
Patrick is a fact finder and does things "by the book". He can be sensitive if others are being critical of his work, especially if they have not carefully reviewed all the data. Patrick clarifies expectations before undertaking new projects, and he works hard to meet standards. Patrick will typically maintain a neat and orderly work environment.
A loyal friend, Patrick is patient and caring when attending to the needs of others. He is usually an even-paced individual who thrives in a peaceful, harmonious environment. He tends to be quite predictable, sticking with proven, reliable methods of dealing with situations rather than taking chances with a new, unproven approach.
Patrick prefers to work through problems by analyzing things that worked in the past. He is willing to follow another person's lead if they display adequate ability and if Patrick has confidence in their ability. He is someone who is able to lead, if necessary; but usually prefers to wait and see if another person volunteers first.
Patrick prefers a rational and moderate approach when first entering new situations and tries to avoid extremes. He likes the company of others, but Patrick is equally comfortable spending a quiet evening alone. He is a realist who will always weigh his options before he makes a decision to move ahead.
Dominance: People who score high in the intensity of the 'D' styles factor are very active in dealing with problems and challenges, while low D scores are people who want to do more research before committing to a decision. High "D" people are described as demanding, forceful, egocentric, strong willed, driving, determined, ambitious, aggressive, and pioneering. Low D scores describe those who are conservative, low keyed, cooperative, calculating, undemanding, cautious, mild, agreeable, modest and peaceful.
Influence: People with High I scores influence others through talking and activity and tend to be emotional. They are described as convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, persuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, and optimistic. Those with Low I scores influence more by data and facts, and not with feelings. They are described as reflective, factual, calculating, skeptical, logical, suspicious, matter of fact, pessimistic, and critical.
Steadiness (Submission in Marston's time): People with High S styles scores want a steady pace, security, and don't like sudden change. Low S intensity scores are those who like change and variety. High S persons are calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, predictable, deliberate, stable, consistent, and tend to be unemotional and poker faced. People with Low S scores are described as restless, demonstrative, impatient, eager, or even impulsive.
Conscientiousness (Compliance in Marston's time): Persons with High C styles adhere to rules, regulations, and structure. They like to do quality work and do it right the first time. High C people are careful, cautious, exacting, neat, systematic, diplomatic, accurate, tactful. Those with Low C scores challenge the rules and want independence and are described as self-willed, stubborn, opinionated, unsystematic, arbitrary, and careless with details.
Introverted 78
Sensing 1
Thinking 88
Judging 56
very expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
very expressed thinking personality
moderately expressed judging personality
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personality profile!
Platnium Rule
An Overview of your Thinker Behavioral Style
Here are some traits found in Thinkers. Some of these you’re going to look at and say, “That sounds quite a bit like my behavior” Others you might say, “No, I’m not usually like that.” Most of these traits are in your personality, but sometimes, for various reasons, you may not exhibit all of them. Not everyone fits perfectly within these descriptors, but do try to keep an open mind as you read them. Remember, it is perfectly natural to behave differently at work than you do with your family and friends.
*You prefer to work alone and focus on facts, data and processes.
*You rarely (if ever) make impulsive decisions; you make rational decisions based upon evidence.
*You are an inventive, creative intellectual. You are good at perfecting processes and systems.
*You prefer a work environment that is neat and tidy. “A place for everything and everything in its place!” is your motto.
*You are excellent at time management and prioritizing projects. However, you can also become caught up in details and sometimes lose sight of the “big picture.”
Others view you cool, calculating and independent.
*You often wonder how other people can talk so openly about personal issues and freely offer up opinions (without substantiating their claims).
*You prefer hobbies that you can master alone. You tend to strive toward perfection and mastery… even while relaxing.
*You are not overly fond of surprises and last-second changes of plans. Loud, boisterous “surprise parties” would best be thrown for other people… you would prefer a quiet evening with a good book or movie.

As a result, you may tend to view yourself as a wonderful, lucky, or energized person. However you probably also have days when you feel less comfortable or set back. After all, you're only human. Still, other people likely appreciate you for your passionate personality and may even perceive you as a dynamo of sorts.
Because of your usual high level of self-acceptance and belief in yourself, you're generally open and accepting of others. This graciousness can include a tendency to be warm to those around you. It can also mean that you reserve your judgments of people until you get to know them well. People who come in contact with you likely appreciate this generous nature and may seek out your company. When it comes to dealing with yourself, you're usually equally kind. In most situations, you appear to understand that positivity is a more productive approach to life's challenges.

For someone who's as on-the-go as you, the greatest indulgence of all is a hearty dose of rest and relaxation. Charming and fun, you love spending time with family and friends, but there's also a mellow and quiet side of you that relishes time alone with your thoughts.
Whether you like to take long walks, catch an afternoon blockbuster, or check out a hip new art exhibit, you like exploring the world on your own terms and learning more about yourself in the process. Not one to harp on the past or obsess about the future, you have a confident and graceful way of savoring each experience as it comes.

Most left-brained people like you feel at ease in situations requiring verbal ability, attention to detail, and linear, analytical ability. Whether you know it or not, you are a much stronger written communicator than many, able to get your ideas across better than others.
It's also likely that you are methodical and efficient at many things that you do. You could also be good at math, particularly algebra, which is based on very strict rules that make sense to your logical mind.
Take the Hecatomb?TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.

From swinging to dangerous heights on the jungle gym to buying that pricey sweater in every color, the one thing you can be depended on to do is, well, too much. It may not work out perfectly all the time, but you're the one who will try your hardest to go the farthest, and that's usually what it takes to get ahead. And we love it! After all, nobody ever changed the world by playing it safe.
Sure you take it easy sometimes, since you can't live life on the edge all the time. Still, everyone appreciates your grand gestures and big passions, and they can't wait to see what you're going to do next. Way to keep everyone guessing!

People whose unconscious struggles began when they were post-pubescent are said to be conflicted about what Freud called the Genital Period.
The Genital Period is different from the rest. In order to arrive here successfully, you have to have resolved most conflicts from the other periods. This is no small feat. This is the stage when adult sexuality begins to flourish because the difficulties of childhood sexual development have basically been maneuvered successfully.
One way you can tell that a person has reached the Genital Period is by looking at how they handle the impulses of the id. The id is the aspect of self that is responsible for raw desire. It has no consciousness or rational thought. It simply wants — whether the want is food, sex, or some other primal desire. People in the Genital Period are able to take this raw energy and express it in the form of productive, creative work. People who have not reached this period may feel compelled to relentlessly pursue satiation of those needs.
According to Freud, another way you can tell if someone is in this stage is if they seek a mate who resembles their opposite-sex parent but aren't guilty about having sex with this person. Freud believed that this indicated several things: First, that an individual has abandoned their incest feelings for their opposite-sex parent and has therefore let go of any rivalry with their same-sex parent. Secondly, that they've let go of the phallic problems around gender identification and are able to lovingly accept and appreciate the differences between the sexes. Lastly, that they can now identify with the same-sex parent and be on good terms with them.

People who have Green as their brightest color of their aura generally have a lot of confidence in themselves and their ideas. Their ideal jobs might be ones that allow them to take intuitive leaps, so that they can use their best judgment on a regular basis.
In their love lives, they're likely very sensitive to their partners and the status of the relationship. Things rarely come up as a complete surprise to them, as they've often sensed them ahead of time.
They have a deep trust in themselves and their ability to gauge situations. Others likely share this trust in their take on situations, and people's faith in them enhances their good feelings about themselves. Their intuition, when put to proper use, can also help them stay clear of dangerous and unhealthy situations.

For you, there is no better sanctuary from life's demands than some space for yourself alone. That's not to say you're antisocial. It's just that you like to take time to know yourself, to reflect on all your experiences rather than sweeping them under the rug to deal with another day. For you, long walks, a cozy afternoon on the sofa, or a luxurious soak in the tub might give you all the solitude you need to really look inward, so you can better look outward toward work, family, and friends. More than others, you need to take those moments to slow down, think, and dream.

Don't answer the door; don't leave the house; don't answer the phone; but most of all, don't scream! Scary movies are well and good, but laughing is too, and a fun, carefree person like you knows you don't have to sacrifice one for the other. So the next time you head to the video store, you can't go wrong by picking up Scream — your perfect horror movie match.
You may have been accused of being a bit of a prankster, and that sounds about right! Whether you're planning a surprise party, sneaking up on a friend, or planning your next crazy Halloween costume, you can't help but mix humor and horror. After all, everything's better when you're laughing. Right?
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