Before that was 2 weeks of Semester Break. The 1st week was spent in excessive slumber due to unknown sickness. At the beginning of the 2nd week, my lvl97 Sniper in Maple Story SEA was revived. During the rest of the week, I had read some of the notes for Microbiology and Food Science, nothing else.
25/06/07 - Physical Chemistry
40 MCQs saved my revision which began the day before.
From that day onward, library became the 2nd home.
Is it really that difficult for people to believe that some people just lack the self-discipline and started revision for a test just the day before?
Karen Ho's method of balancing equations still make more sense than Ah Phoon's.
26/06/07 - Inorganic Chemistry
Again saved by the 40 MCQs.
Did nothing for maths except memorizing the formula.
27/06/07 - Mathematics
Basket, all those formula were provided.
Hope can pass.
Was informed that StageArts Drama annual production is on 08/08/07 and I am tasked to do spotlight. Something new to me and it seems not require me to be present for every meeting.
28/06/07 - Microbiology
Total - 100 marks.
10MCQs - 40 marks.
Tons of structured questions - 60 marks.
What a weird percentage.
29/06/07 - Food Science + Primer to BioEngineering
For Food Science, no MCQs = no guess work.
For Primer to BioEngineering, 40 MCQs but mostly either-you-know-or-you-don't.
Attended MAJ (NS) Sunder's farewell dinner at Pheonix Hotel. He is a good boss who taught, shown and shielded me much during my 2 years of NS as a Deferment Clerk.
Being no life, double level up to 106.Majorly annoyed as I have been viewed by random anonymous profiles in Friendster.
More so when I received an email to be added as friend by someone but either the profile does not exist or request cancelled. Worse still, tracing back became impossible as he/she has the view anonymously on, email search failed and so did the name search.
That is just plain fuck up.
Lastly, thank you Tan Tian Soon for the ORD treats.
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