Sunday, December 04, 2005
Donate Your Computing Power
Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
BOINC lets you donate your computing power to scientific research projects.
The programme taps into the unused resources of your computer for calculations of the projects. In general, there will be no lag or what so ever problem running it. I have been running it since Year 03.
Why not contribute to a better world while you are playing computer games, surfing the net or just booting up the computer for no particular reason? At least, well, different projects have their own unique pretty graphics.
Download the client now!
Those I am currently participating in:
Einstein at home: Search for gravitational signals emitted by pulsars
SETI at home: Look for radio evidence of extraterrestrial life
Predictor at home: Investigate protein-related diseases
LHC at home: Improve the design of the CERN LHC particle accelerator
Rosetta at home: Help researchers develop cures for human diseases
Those that I am not participating in:
Cell Computing: Biomedical research (Japanese; requires nonstandard client software)
World Community Grid: Advance our knowledge of human disease Study climate change
Sunday, November 20, 2005
This Week's Happenings
I took bus 851 home. Played GBA for a while, sleep a while, woke up somewhere at Thomson Road. I was sitting at the window sit and despite the wind holes were not facing me, it was freezing hell. I kept playing GBA while making sure that I don't miss my stop. However, to my horror, I saw a big N - Northpoint. Well, since the cart was there, I bought 1 big spray can and a Tillandsia Velutina.
Tillandsia Velutina

It is rather boring to be a Marshal for the Twin Tower Challenge, once again thanks to NSAD. I would rather be walk slow up then down and go home.
Later went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to buy my automated umbrella. At S$21, it is a big one, hopefully sufficient to cover my bag.
Dinner was the new promotion from McDonald's. From past experience, the fries shaker powder is always not enough for 1 pack, thus I asked for 2. I regreted after the 1st fry in my mouth. This time not only the quantity of the powder is sufficient for a pack of fries, most of the powder did stick to the fries and the flavor is intense enough. 2 packs spoiled the experience.
The source for the burger is too intense, it covered the taste of the chicken teriyaki which was the thing that I wanted to let my tongue to lick at.
The meal comes with green tea instead of the usual diluted coke. Disappointedly, it was unavailable. the cashier asked what drink I wanted then. Sadly, I asked for Milo which she said I would not be charged extra but of course, it did and she just said, "Oops, sorry."
Artistic Impression Of Me By Desmond

First time I was ready to go home earlier then Yongda. It was having a heavy downpour but I wanted to eat at Bukit Merah Central. We took bus 176 and wandered around for a while before settling for western food. We ordered from different stores and frankly speaking, both suck to the core.
Later he asked me to take bus 855 instead of my usual 851. May be it reaches his home sooner. He told me that it would stop somewhere near my house......not. After some fruitless checks with my year 04 bus guide, I was at Northpoint again......
Father sent me an email with a photo and the following:
"......kathy is learning to walk and talk everyday but found she had white hair."
Sadly, she is 11 months old.

Sunday, November 13, 2005
My Tillandsia Collection
Tillandsia Ionantha var. Ionantha

This is the 1st one I bought. I bought it at the shopping centre at Pasir Ris on 08/08/05, after the NSAD chalet thing. I cut of a section of one of its leaves as it showed sign of wither. It was my fault. I dropped it from about 1.5m to the ground, bending the leaf. It stayed green and turgid for about 1 month before curving in and withering. It seems to have grown bigger, or is it my delusion?
Tillandsia Capitata 'Peach'
I bought this in October. Its leaves have slightly branched out and a leaf has grown from its core visibly.
Tillandsia Caput-Medusae
I bought this in October. It is big, fat and juicy. Too bad when I bought it, it had a bruise on it. A new leaf is emerging from its core.
Tillandsia Capitata x Balbisiana
I bought this in October. Its leaves, especially its 2 outer most leaves, have branched out quite a bit. I can see that a leaf is half way growing out of its core.
Tillandsia Aeranthos (Mini Purple)
I bought this in October. It is bigger then then rest of my collection, and it cost me S$9 instead of S$3-4 for the rest I have.
Tillandsia Bulbosa
I bought this in October. This was a disaster. After about 1 month, I saw one of its leaves turned black. Soon, it had browned out and its over. Probably it died of rotting from within with me failing to drain the water out completely. Plants rot if there is stagnant water trapped in them.
Tillandsia Bulbosa 2nd
I bought this yesterday. Since this one is bigger then the previous one, I think history will not happen.
Tillandsia Capitata 'Peach' 2nd
I bought this yesterday. I got this one because it just look good.
Tillandsia Pseudobaileyi
I bought this yesterday. It is quite big, or rather, long and curvy.
Tillandsia Ionantha Fuchsii Forma Gracillis
I bought this yesterday. I got it largely because it is the only variety I do not have in the "4 for S$10" section. It looks very fragile with its leaves look like pieces of thread. Hope it will survive.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
How Many JC Students Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb?
A: 4 whole faculties. One faculty to design the new bulb, one faculty to test it out, one faculty to market it and one guy to write a stupid E-mail about lightbulbs.
Q: How many HCJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: The whole school. To compete with RJC.
Q: How many VJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: The whole school. One student to screw it in and the rest to cheer and wave flags and banners to give him/her support.
Q: How many NJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. They can study without light.
Q: How many AJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: They're too busy trying to be one of the top 5 JCs.
Q: How many ACJC students does it take to change a lightbulb??
A: None. They'd use all their money to employ YJC to do it for them.
Q: How many YJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. Only one teacher to tell them what's a light bulb is in the first place and to demonstrate(how do you think they're able to change it for ACJC?)
Q: How many CJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: They'd prefer it darker. *raises eyebrows*
Q: How many JJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. Their physics is so bad that they make the male teacher cry.
Q: How many TPJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: They wouldn't bother.
Q: How many SAJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. Tthey believe in praying for it.
Q: How many NYJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. They are still using oil lamps.
Q: How many SRJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Huh, wat litebarbu...
Q: Don't you guys wonder who wrote this?
Q: How many TJC students does it take to change the lightbulb?
A: None. They think they are very bright already.
Q: How many PJC students does it take to change the lightbulb?
A: F*** the lightbulb lah, the principal will dosomething about it. Let's do 300 jumping jacks for not wearing the proper school attire.
Monday, September 26, 2005
What The Fuck?

It is either the house owner, where I got a phone call a few weeks ago looking for him despite this house had been vacant for quite some time, or someone with malice trying to sabotage me.
I don't think these type of people make much mistakes with collecting debts.
What to do?
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
My New Tillandsia
Hence, I went to those mobile carts where more interesting stuffs were sold. One of them caught my attention: Tillandsia, commonly known as Airplants. I have always been wanting to try my hands on planting. However, there several srtingent criterias. 1. My house has no sunlight, not a tiny little bit even when the sun is scorching hot. Lights have to be on throughout the day. 2. There lacks air circulation. 3. The plant must be hardy, able to live on in the hands of a lazy owner. 4. No mess, soil and water is a pain in the ass.
What is so attractive about the airplants is that they do not rely on roots to absorb water and nutrients. In fact, they can do without roots. Instead, they have highly developed foliar hairs or scales called trichomes on their leaves, the trichomes help the plants absorb water and nutrients.
Another thing is that they flower and self-reproduce like pineapples. Talk about money for value.
After asking tons of questions which the shop owner answered them without a sweat, I am rather convincted that I should be able to make one stay alive.
Thus, I bought the following: one plant ($3.80), two spray cans that do spray mist of water reliably ($2.00 each), one cansiter of fertiliser which can last more then one year ($3.50), a table lamp which I hunted around Ang Mo Kio for one that do stand on the table, bendable, uses common replaceable bulbs ($15.00), a Phillips Cool Day Light 18Watts light bulb ($9.50) and a small, transparent glass bowl ($1.50).
I put the plant on a pile of crystals which I bought three years ago and into the bowl. Have to force-feed it with artificial light for 10 to 14 hours daily. Just nice from the time I leave home to the time I come back.

Sunday, August 07, 2005
Be awed!!
Need some time to de-stress?
Hestitate no more...
Come to Drama night!
A night that will see you clutching the arms of the chairs in awe.
A night that will leave you bursting with laughter, happiness, and sadness.
A night that will keep you in suspense
A night that you will never forget.
Drama night presents: UNMASKED (a combination of two plays that will leave you wanting for more)
The significance day:
12 August 2005
TPJC Auditorium
Tickets are priced at $5 each and can be purchased from any of the drama club members, Ms Khainu, Ms Lydia Tan, Ms Lynda Young or myself.
Hope to see you there! :)
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Friday, June 24, 2005
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Sunday, June 12, 2005
I'm sure you will agree that one of the most painful feelings you ever experience, whether it is about your finances, relationships, family, health or life in general is the feeling of being powerless!
Feeling powerless to do anything about a hard situation, powerless to change things, powerless to help another is crippling.
This is a short lesson, but it is very important. It is about understanding power and powerlessness. The formula offered in the lesson came to me during a very siginificant intuitive tune-in and continues to benefit the lives of those who use its wisdom.
Here is a useful formula to remember.
Power = Responsibility + Choice
Take a few moments to think about the formula and what it means.
When do you feel powerless? Answer: when you feel like you have no choice, or no choices. How do you empower yourself? Answer: By finding where you do have choice, by finding and owning your choices!
The easiest way for you to give up your power is to give up your choices and your responsibility for the choices. This is classic victim consciousness!
The easiest way for someone to take your power away from you, is to take away your choice.
Whoever makes the decisions also carries the responsibility of the outcome.
To tell if something or someone is empowering for you or disempowering for you –
use the formula in this way.
DISEMPOWERING - If something or someone is disempowering - it limits your choices. It takes away your options and therefore decreases your sense of power. It also may encourage blame or assign responsibility elsewhere – reinforcing mindsets that decrease your sense of responsibility.
EMPOWERING – If something or someone is empowering - it increases your awareness of your choices. It highlights or creates more options and increases your sense of power. It also encourages your responsibility – reinforcing mindsets that increase your sense of responsibility for your life and actions.
What parts of your life and thinking empower you? What parts disempower you?
When you get afraid of your own power, do you want to know what you do to yourself? You pretend you have no choices, or you hide your choices from view! How often do we say - "I can't" as a way to pretend that we have no power. "I can't leave my job", "I can't change my circumstances" when that is simply not the truth. We could, but choose not to. We DO have the choice but we pretend we don't becuase we are afraid of the power and the responsibility of the consequences of acting on our power.
To become a self-empowered person, you must own your power by being honest about your choices. Rather say, "I could, but choose not to right now" than "I can't".
One of the quickest and easiest ways to empower yourself, is to find, create and push your mind to become aware of the choices you do have! Intuition is a great tool for finding new perspectives and new choice.
Challenge your body's fear of power, responsibility and choice. Remember that not choosing is still a choice and therefore still an act of power whose consequences you are still responsible for.
Make a list of your actual choices, and be aware of which ones frighten you. Help your body to claim its power by being conscious of your choice and finding ways to create new choices where you did not have before. Face and equal yourself to your responsibility, be accountable for your power. Stand in the world awake and on purpose, don't hide from your power... Choose on purpose!
Friday, June 10, 2005
New Handphone-To-Be?
附件中的手机你任选一款你喜欢的,但要考虑该款手机是否能带入部队。 E-MAIL回复到我的信箱。

Saturday, May 28, 2005
What's Your Personality Type?
Your #1 Match: ISFJ |
The Nurturer You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.A good listener, you excell at helping others in practical ways.In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for. You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist. |
Your #2 Match: ISTJ |
The Duty Fulfiller You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done.You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knittings.Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.Conservative and down-to-earth, you hardly ever do anything crazy. You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer. |
Your #3 Match: ISFP |
The Artist You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now).You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children.Simply put, you enjoy bueaty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life.Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs. You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer. |
Your #4 Match: ISTP |
The Mechanic You are calm and collected, even in the most difficult of situations.A person of action and self-direction, you love being independent.To outsiders yous eem impulsive, surprising, and unpredictable.You are good at understanding how all things work, except for people. You would make an excellent pilot, forensic pathologist, or athlete. |
Your #5 Match: INFJ |
The Protector You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience.You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them. You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher. |
Friday, May 27, 2005
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Today At NSSC
After that, Mary Koh, Human Resource Executive of TAKA Jewellery called, saying that she would like to cancel the Letter of Undertaking. Kind of wasted my time, energy, effort and anxiety over getting the NSman rescheduled. Now everything has been undone.
Afternoon, I cannot help to wonder if Naveen was mocking me in front of others or just cannot be bothered to be a little more serious. Many things are in a mess and I think the SNT cases had been shredded. T_T
Evening, because I forgot to set my handphone away from the Silent mode, I did not realise that Madam Michelle had SMS me to check the status of three cases. One of them the case file was missing and his Medic Refresher Course is 26/05/2005 to 27/06/2005. After a big hassle between Madam Sundhari, Jason and Jolene of NSAD, Madam Malady(May be wrong spelling) of HQ SCE and I, it was solved when in the end I called the NSman up to inform him the impromptu decision of Approved. He said his company had cocked up the date of his outposting and that last time someone from NSSC had called him and was informed --- he would like to cancel his application. Great, no wonder I cannot find the case file. The underlying reason is that both the UAS and CRM are still open. Another classic exmple of self-created trouble.
Jason Ng's Dream Food
Monday, May 23, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
My Family Photo
Who is my father?
Who is my step mother?
Who is my step mother's father?
Who is my grandfather?
Who is my sister?
Who is my brother?
Which two seem like a pair of unlikely brothers but are indeed brothers?

Monday, May 16, 2005
I Am Devil Baby
![]() | You scored as Demon. Demon: Darkness is your sanctuary. Demons are many and are all different in appearence and rank. The most common are the ones that feed off of human souls. They love to make someone fall into their inner darkness. Blood, wrath, murder... You name it they love it. These beings don't care who you are, if they set their sights on you, let's just hope you know a good excorist. They kill any love within you and pull you toward their side. By any means possible. You wish for chaos and hate, you are the Demon.
What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!) created with |
Saturday, May 14, 2005
A Saturday Out
I hate rock concret.
Phil Pringle is a good stand-up comedian.
Jason, Turtle and I went to Jurong Point to talk cock after the event.
Turtle Hiding Behind Jason's Shell

Reach For The......?

Jason: I am more pro then Patrick!
Turtle: Live demostration of Sleeping Upright!

Image Proper

Wrong side?

Foursome Art

Friday, May 13, 2005
A Riddle
I am the centre of honesty,
and the end of all trouble.
I am not in difficulty,
I always come in time,
and am never out of money.
I am never in war,
always in peace,
I come only twice and still make three.
I never get in bad company,
I always end a dialogue,
I always finish the game.
I am always in your dreams,
And though I am silent in love,
But if I wouldn't come after u,
it wouldn't be true.
So start with me and end with me or
no escape.
Who am I?
Sunday, May 08, 2005
A Nice Little Joke
"Fourteen Sir!"
"Shouldn't it be just one?"
----Douglas Adams
Saturday, May 07, 2005
A Night of Talking Cock, Eating Food
I got some sort of chinese herb goodies on shreded ice, Kenneth with his strawberry ice cream with a cherry on top. Disappointed he was as the ice crease was white covered by think layer of red. Go figure.
Jason returned with his "red bean ice" in chinese. He thought saying that would net him a bowl of green bean soup but instead, a nice bowl of ice kachang. Remember, in Singapore, Hong Duo Bing is interchangeable with Ice Kachang in terms of what they represent. If you want Read Bean Soup, the secret command will be Hong Duo Tang.
I was the saddest. I could not believe the auntie's lack of wit. On the counter, there displayed two similar desert items. I asked what were their difference. She replied that one was hot and the other one was cold. I was a bit confused so I repeated my question and she, in turn, stressed her answer. I then said I would like the cold one, then she asked me which bowl out of the two I wanted. Damn, was her job to annoy customer? If you don't get the paradox, tell me. I shall enlighten you. Just treat me a desert will do.
We talked more cock, then went to arcade where the two of them wasted some S$1 coins to the hungry machines. At least they had fun feeding them.
Women Are Evil!
How I shrunk my Husband's Crotch
Friday, May 06, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Friday The 29th
The rest of the three of us went for a quest for assorted candies at the NTUC nearby but failed. Hence we went to Jurong Point where I was pulled by the Jasons around my neck from shop to shop, looking for little stuffs and wrapping paper. After think one to two hours, Jason had gotten what he wanted, we sat at the McDonalds and yes, we did not purchase any item from the shop.
Turtle made a loosely fitting box out of note pad cardboard for the cover and the kind of cardboard box you get to see a lot at those supermarkets for the body. The task was to wrap the wrapping paper over the box. Took at least two hours I think. It turned out okey, it would be if a few design flaws were known before hand. Well, not bad for first try afterall.
I was just in time to catch the last train home.
Reached home, Prem asked me over MSN Messager why never asked him to tag along. That idea never occurred to me, may be that was because I did not think he was as nothing-better-to-do, no-where-better-to-go and bored as I am.
Picking Up Things Those Punks Dropped To The Floor......Sai Kang!

Damn Jason Ng Taking Photos Of Me Without My Permission Again.

Me And Jason. Go Figure.

They Made Me Slave For Them.

End Of My Slavery!

Here are links that showed what actually happened.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Sleepless Night
Friday, April 29, 2005
So Suay
Failed to even start to raise a case for Jason due to my own cases. Arranged his cases in chronological order though. Printed out those 252bs.
I clearly heard that Warren Micheal said something like "Those I did not call out your names...Peter, Someone, Patrick...tomorrow..." but in the end, he was shocked to see me still in the office after 5pm. I was equally shocked that his list of ten people got my name on it. Peter said I was not in, so did Prem who said it was not my fault but his. However, it still sucks when you are accused of something that was not your fault. Well, at least that means tomorrow I will have time to do things while others are choked. Hmmm...20-30 cases...hmmm. *Wink*
A Fly's Perspective
I sit on the wall and watch you, a giant, which my eyes cannot even fully contain. Your goings on and mine rarely overlap, and chances are you will live your whole life without ever giving mine much thought. I observe things others of your kind may always long to, yet never know, and I am oblivious to the privilege.
I carry on with my simple life, eating and breeding, landing on walls and washing myself, unknowingly spreading dangerous organisms from one place to another, flying about in zig-zag patterns, until -- squish -- it's over.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Some interesting stuff from my newsletter
your name:
measure of time:
plural noun that starts with the letter T:
city that starts with the letter O:
verb that starts with the letter B:
noun that starts with the letter A:
plural noun:
body part:
famous person:
plural noun:
Then plug it into the email formula, and presto!
Dearest (Your Name),It seems as if a ________ (adjective) thing has happened. Let me set the stage. As you may know, over the last _________ (measure of time) I have been very _________ (adverb) involved with a certain group of people who call themselves TOOBA, which stands for _________ (plural noun that starts with the letter T) of _________ (City that starts with the letter O) _________ (Verb that starts with the letter B) _________ (Noun that starts with the letter A). Although my involvement has been nothing more than tangential, I have discovered that their (adjective) antics were far beyond the _________ (adjective) _________ (plural noun) of the average _________ (animal). This of course leads to several problems.
First and foremost, I am constantly faced with a _________ (adjective) rash covering most of my _________ (body part), although in some social situations, this can be a very _________ (adjective) thing, as I'm sure _________ (famous person) would be willing to attest to. Secondly, I find that I always need to have a _________(tool) with me, as they mandate that I use it to repair all of the broken _________(plural nouns) I encounter. But I suppose that this is a fairly common thing.
-The _________ (adjective) team at
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Real Work In NSSC
Later, the four of us, the Sai Kang Warrior, armed ourselves with a red pail, about 1 litre of tap water from the first floor toilet which the Singapore government claim that it can be drunk like the water we drink everyday, 2 new pieces of cloth, red and blue I think, a nice comfortable chair from the Customer Service Front Desk and last of all, the almighty clean-all Mama Lemon.
Together, Rui Xiang and I fought bravely against the windows and metal rail of the bottom part of the front door of the NSSC building while Jason galantly took hold of the upper part and tamed the NSSC metal plaque under his might while Joel charged in to the rescue to Jason by offering him steadfast support from the battlement.
After rescuing NSSC from hedious bugs, fluffy cobwebs and not-glittering-dust, Rui Xiang and I resumed our common identity: recruits under the liablility of National Service of Singapore posted to NSSC's processing's deferment department as clerks.
We continued our unfinished business of yesterday: search for the missing pieces of restricted documents out of a sea of lousy paper files that could cause a tsunami if they are not being kept watch within a dam labelled Deferment. It was fun. At least more entertaing then staring at no where.
Then in came the tremor: counting the number of working days taken for the case to close, quite a lot of them exceed 14 working days, meaning lack of efficiency. Next we were hit by an earthquake of measuring up to 8.5 on the Richter scale: counter checking with the data base via the computers and now I can appreciate why people keep telling us hope not to be under deferment.
From just one piece of the list I had the opportunity to learn a lot of things because there were so many discrepancies between the system's record and the hard copies. Missing hard copies, unclosed cases, weird dating and worse of all, uncomfirmed missing cases. In the end nothing much was cleared but half.
Guess I should anticipate with something more mentally thrilling since there are five steps to process deferment cases, if I remember correctly what Peter said, who was the tormentor and the tormented just because of those pieces of paper we had, created by the devil himself.
Went to Funan IT Mall after knocked off. Had a pleasure walk. Eyed on the Kensington's PilotMouse Mini Wireless. May be getting it tomorrow.