Jason Chong's attempt to get me going out on 24/12/05 and my interogation for that.
Jason Chong: Yopat
Me: yo
Jason Chong: Hey toml off rite?
Me: 5 day work week...
Jason Chong: ok, toml want to join us for carnival
Jason Chong: willbe funwith games andfood
Jason Chong: christmas carnival
Me: when, where?
Me: and who?
Jason Chong: u staywhere ah i forgot
Jason Chong: atexpo
Jason Chong: expo
Jason Chong: what time ah, we gonigin theafternoon
Me: yio chu kang
Jason Chong: ok, u want to come? we got alot of coupons le
Jason Chong: for the fun fair thing
Jason Chong: we meeting 2 atwest
Jason Chong: then we meet expo around 3
Me: who are the "we"?
Jason Chong: cg members
Me: what are those people who will be at expo?
Jason Chong: cozour churchtheremah
Jason Chong: but the carnival is for everyone who come
Me: what kind of carnival?
Me: from when to when?
Jason Chong: 2to 10pm toml
Jason Chong: it is christmas fun fair
Jason Chong: u want to join us?
Me: is there any timetable or schedule?
Jason Chong: what u mean? timetable?
Jason Chong: no we can just go anytime
Jason Chong: but our christ mas svc is on 730pm
Me: what are the events going to happen before and after the service?
Jason Chong: wao u ask so many qns... it is only carnival b4 and after
Jason Chong: but the fun part is in the svc itself
Jason Chong: can't miss the christmas, 1year once
Jason Chong: so u want to come?
Jason Chong: Pat
Jason Chong: u should be free
Me: i don't celebrate any festive seasons
Me: of course i am free
Jason Chong: lol, then u must come
Jason Chong: ...
Jason Chong: pat what's yur hp no?
Me: xxxx xxxx
Jason Chong: can i call u now?
Me: nah
Me: mine is pre-paid
Jason Chong: ok
Me: every second counts
Jason Chong: join us pat, toml 3pm at expo mrt
Jason Chong: i meet u there
Jason Chong: =)
Me: i asked a lot
Me: because if i were to be out
Me: i will be out whole day
Me: and it is a 1 hour journey to expo
Me: to and fo make it 2 hours
Jason Chong: .
Me: so if i don't make sure what kind of event etc i will be going to
Me: i won't think about it
Jason Chong: haha
Jason Chong: lol
Jason Chong: what a logic way of yurs
Jason Chong: it is just aday
Jason Chong: of celebration
Me: cos i don't celebrate and celebrations
Jason Chong: u want to come or not for the carnival?
Me: i must know what are the events going to happen for it to decide
Jason Chong: so far so good mah, 1year 1 christmas, events in svc, there's dramma, lots of activities to play, and to know the meaning of christmas
Jason Chong: I meet u at expo mrt staion ctrl 3pm
Me: expo halls are big
Jason Chong: lol
Jason Chong: the
Jason Chong: it is big of course
Me: what are the activities to be exact?
Jason Chong: more surprises
Me: what are those surprises
Jason Chong: they didn'tsaid, so there are to be surprises for us
Jason Chong: wait till we go there thenweknow
Jason Chong: Jason ng therewillbe ushering
Me: those surprises are before or after the service?
Me: expected
Jason Chong: in svc
Jason Chong: carnival is funfair
Jason Chong: b4 and after svc
Me: they will need the full force to control the crowd
Jason Chong: ya, sure
Jason Chong: Pat ah, we meet at expo 3pm
Jason Chong: mrtJason Chong: =)
Me: i will need to know what are the activities
Me: cos out of all the above reasons
Me: this is the only one that may attract me
Me: and these activities will be held within or without of the hall 8?
Jason Chong: in svc, there's dramma, b4 svc and after svc, there's carnival, which means we can do anything inside carnival
Jason Chong: if u r curious, then u must go andsee
Me: i mean what will there be in the carnival and it will be inside or out side of the expo hall 8?
Jason Chong sent me this picture. Click on the picture for original size.

Jason Chong: i also 2nd time celebrating
Jason Chong: i not sure also, but iknow that its going tobe diff from last year
Jason Chong: sso how?
Me: then last year got what?
Jason Chong: last year i rmb is in hall svc
Jason Chong: drammsand singing carol songs
Jason Chong: plus pst Ulf talking about callings
Jason Chong: Pat ar I meet u there
Me: the advertisement is not that appealing to me
Jason Chong: lol
Jason Chong: dots
Me: especially those carnival machines
Jason Chong: haha, i cya in expo, so u must see the bigger pic
Jason Chong: not the ads, it is about going there
Jason Chong: not all ads not appealing means not fun
Me: i must think of contigency plans in case i am not interested at all when i were to arrive there
Jason Chong: sure intresting one pat
Jason Chong: pat ah
Me: my definition of "interesting" is very different from you
Me: you have to understand that i don't like crowded space where i cannot move about easily
Jason Chong: ok enough of logics, we meet first there toml
Me: have to wait for people
Me: squeeze here and there
Jason Chong: .
Jason Chong: sure crowded, but dun have to wait
Jason Chong: loMe: have to
Me: wait for the whole group of people and move together
Jason Chong: then this is the manhood u have to practise lo
Jason Chong: ya, if u do buisness won't it be the same
Me: i don't think you all want to disperse and move individually
Jason Chong: lo, we won't lost one
Jason Chong: got hp
Me: but it is a virtue too: too dependent is a weakness
Jason Chong: .
Jason Chong: 3pmar dun forget
Me: ...
Me: have to consider
Jason Chong: cya there,
Jason Chong: i put yur name
Me: the biggest one is the service
Jason Chong: .
Me: which most probably i won't be interested
Jason Chong: it isnot the normal svc
Jason Chong: like last timeugo
Jason Chong: it is celebration
Me: then how unusuial?
Jason Chong: . i alreadyexplain liao
Me: that will be same as the easter one then
Jason Chong: u got go easter?
Jason Chong: how was it?
Me: nothing much
Jason Chong: then christmas is the day for u
Jason Chong: it will be more intresting then yur hobbies
Me: and what are my hobbies?
Jason Chong: and more intresting than yur usual hangout
Jason Chong: anything
Me: i don't have usual hangouts except home and NSSC
Jason Chong: lol, so then u msutexplore
Jason Chong: i cya at 3pm in expo, final word
Jason Chong: u sold
Jason Chong: go la
Jason Chong: 123 go
Jason Chong: stop putting glue on yur feet
Me: what is the dress code?
Jason Chong: lol
Jason Chong: u can wear anythinguwant
Jason Chong: oru wanttowear as a santa alsocan
Jason Chong: haha
Me: that is not conclusive
Jason Chong: orsuperman withunderwaer
Jason Chong: norml causual
Jason Chong: pants andtshirtwilldo
Me: i prefer you to type without spacing
Jason Chong: my space bar spoilt
Me: then just do without it
Jason Chong: ;lol
Me: keyboards are dirt cheap
Jason Chong: i putyurname liao
Me: in?
Jason Chong: lol
Jason Chong: cg attendance
Jason Chong: yeah
Jason Chong: igoingtobath
Jason Chong: brb
Jason Chong: haiz
Jason Chong: ...
Jason Chong: .,..
Jason Chong: ...
Me: when back inform me
Jason Chong: lol
Jason Chong: we talk again when toml we meet
Jason Chong: 3pm
Jason Chong: expo
Jason Chong: then wetalkabout spacebar
Me: then i must state this
Me: i reserve the right, no matter how much persuation or what-so-ever, to leave the place without prior notice or justification
Jason Chong: ok
Jason Chong: =)
Me: otherwise it will be against my own principles
Jason Chong: Pat ar, dun always live yur own world, there's more meaning to yur life
Jason Chong: than this
Jason Chong: ok set!!!!!!!!
Me: it is a matter of chice and perception
Me: one man's meat is another man's poison
Jason Chong: -.-?
Me: too chim?
Jason Chong: ya
Me: what may be good for you may not apply to another person
Jason Chong: but then dun always stick to yur comfort zone, be more open tosociety
Me: i am, i my own way, exploring the world's good, bad and the ugly
Me: as is said, what may be good for you may not apply to another person Me: no one has the authority to force people to believe in things
Me: it has to be the person himself believe it my his own will
Jason Chong: nvm italk to u again toml
Jason Chong: prepare for toml notto harden yur hearts
Me: that is difficult for a pessimist
Jason Chong: lol
A few points to note:
1. I detest the usage of "lol"
2. I did not either agree or disagree of going.
3. I was "sold" to go
4. It seems that he was rather desparate to get me going.
In my standard outfit, I reached Expo MRT at 3pm. Jason Chong was a bit late. The carnival was a disappointment as I had expected. It was at Expo Hall 6 with a few ancient gaming machines and several stalls selling overpriced food.
On the actual thing itself, it was a better experience then before. Shorter time spent on singing, The drama script was pretty good except the modernized part which seem to be the usual trend. It may be a gimic to make people laugh by having historical figures doing modern dance and rapping but it was just simply out of sync. The movable stage allows a lot of possibility. The props were nice, especially those mobile food carts. The pastors were, as usual, charismatic.
Christmas card from W143. Click on the pictures for original sizes.
I went through the MapleSEA forum. After looking under the Guilds trend and filtering 6 to 10 pages of posts, finally I found my guild, Lorin.
Father sent me an email. Click on the pictures for original sizes.
Trash talk with my guild leader. Click on the pictures for original sizes.

Jokes that are not funny. Click on the pictures for the original sizes.

Bloody mage. Click on the picture for the original size.

I went for the RV2B2000 outing. I met some of them at Jurong East MRT station then we went to Marina Square at the City Hall MRT station. We bought stuff at the Giant. Despite there was a check list, loafs of bread and the all important lighter were absent.
When we took bus 36 to East Coast Park, it started to rain. By the time we reached there, it was pouring. Stuck at the bus stop, we played poker using the wire gauze as a table.
A few more people showed up, in total of about 12 of us. We ate from 6pm till 10+pm. By then, only left 6 of us. We talked and at 12am, the rest went to see firework. As I was not interested, I stayed to look after our belongings. It seemed that ships were carrying mini fireworks too.
When they were back, we played Truth & Truth. Those questions asked were the usual: crush in the class, best looking in the class etc. Out of 20+ rounds, I only kena 3 times, the least out of us. For me, I switched the 1st question to the person I most buay song in the class. My view was being supported by one of them. For the second question, they can't really think of anything to ask so I just talked some cock and got it over. I forgot the last question but the answer from me was pretty unexciting. I have no life. :D
We left out barbeque pit 68 at 2+am and had to walk for 20 to 30 minutes before we reached a bus stop where we could get taxis. By the time I reached home, it was 3+am.
For the barbeque fee of S$12, taxi fee of S$18+ and trips of MRTs and bus amount to roughly S$5, this outing was rather enjoyable.
A rather accurate portrait of me by Desmond Tse. Click on the picture for the original size.

I ate the McSpicy meal last night. The change from McSpicy Double to McSpicy is yet another move from McDonald's to cut cost. Despite they say the checiken is thicker, the total mass of it is equivilent to one patty of the original McSpicy Double. Hence, effectively you only eat half the amount of chicken there was in the burger. Thank you, McDonald's.
Tagboard added.
1 comment:
so that's how u came.
Anyway it was a great celebration tat day wasn'nt it? I totally miss Christmasland .. as how they call it. :)
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